Moreover, the shared parts may need to be updated again when any geometric operation is performed.

In such a case, it is necessary to work on each shared part separately, and this is a very costly process. For example, there may be parts in the model that are geometrically related but require a special element such as a contact or joint between them. Thus, it is not necessary to define elements such as contacts or joints to define the relationship between the parts.ĬAD models used for analysis can be quite complex in terms of both the number of parts and the relationship of the parts to each other. With this command, the topology (face, edge, and vertex connections) is shared between touching or intersecting bodies so a conformal mesh where bodies meet is performed. Preprocessing is accelerated with commands specialized for this purpose. Spaceclaim direct modeler (SCDM) is a remarkably successful CAD program for preparing geometric models for simulation.